Art project of a different kind: Get Him Off Your Back
Eisa Baddour's groundbreaking art project, 'Get Him Off Your Back', invites us all to a critical conversation about gender-based violence. More than just a call to action, it's a daring look into our societal norms and attitudes. This isn't just about a black spot on a woman's back, it's about our collective responsibility to wash it away.
In this exclusive interview with L'Officiel Cyprus, you'll gain firsthand insights into Eisa Baddour's creative process of his project, 'Get Him Off Your Back'.
What inspired the project "Get Him Off Your Back" and how does it raise awareness about male violence against women?
Eisa Baddour: "I have encountered many women who’ve been through tough situations. I didn’t want to be the kind of a man who violates but the one who helps heal. I also wanted to take responsibility and build trust. This is what inspired the black spot drowned by me to be washed by the victim of violence. It’s easy for us to forget the traumas of others, "Get Him Off Your Back" shows that these stories can be happening to the people close to us without noticing. It invites people to emphasize with the victim so she can recover. By sharing the stories and how society dealt with them at that time, I question the readers’ actions if they were a part of the community surrounding the victim."
What are the main goals of this art performance, and how do you anticipate it will impact individuals and society?
Eisa Baddour: "I aim at giving women a space to share their stories and feel comfortable with their past. On this platform, there will be experiences on many levels of physical abuse which would shed light on how we should NOT treat women, as men and as a society. This approach is a step for each participant toward getting over her traumatic experience. It allows men to think of the consequences of their behavior and push them to make it better."
How do you engage viewers and encourage them to reflect on their attitudes towards gender, power, and violence?
Eisa Baddour: "The female body is a great artwork itself. It holds the power of humanity within it. I believe that we all should embrace feeling comfortable in our bodies without affecting others negatively. In this art project, the female figure remains more evident than the assault itself. It’s a reminder for the participants that everything can go away while she stands strong. Eventually, the violence disappears and only memories remain, so it’s our responsibility to use these memories carefully to build a better future for ourselves and the people who surround us."
Eisa Baddour is a forward-thinking art director based in Cyprus. He is known for his unique perspectives. Supported by a team of lively collaborators, Eisa delves into digital artistry through motion design, data visualization, photography, and the latest frontier, NFT creations. Eisa continually reinvents the ordinary.