Christos Garkinos: Where Talent Meets Business Leadership
Christos Garkinos opens up about resilience, reinvention, and personal growth. From overcoming addiction to reshaping his career post-COVID, his memoir is a testament to grit and intuition. "Life moves on—just keep going."
What was the most unexpected lesson you learned while writing this book?
My most unexpected lesson was that while I always was a mama’s boy, I think in the end I was trying to live the life my dad had always dreamed about. In many ways, this book is my homage to them both, and a reflection of how they raised me to always dream big.
How did your perspective on your career and personal journey shift as you wrote it?
I gained a newfound respect for my grit and determination. It made me feel somewhat invincible; if I can comeback from the worst life can throw at me, then I can always figure out a way to succeed, learn and grow.
What challenges did you face while writing, and how did you overcome them?
I mostly struggled when writing about the darker parts of my life, such as leaving my first husband, and my descent into addiction. But in the end, I hope that my recovery story will inspire others who are either currently experiencing massive hardship or who are still in the process of rebuilding their life.
Were there any stories or chapters that were particularly difficult to revisit?
The unexpected loss of my mother was extremely difficult to revisit and write about. We were extremely close and not a day goes by where I don’t think about her and miss her deeply.
Who or what were the biggest influences on your writing process?
I have always loved the writing of fellow Greek David Sedaris. He has a very sardonic and funny approach to writing, and you can hear his voice while reading. I tried to accomplish this same feeling, so that my readers feel that I am telling them stories as opposed to reading a book.
What central themes or messages do you hope readers take away from the book?
To always listen to your gut, stay in solution and take that first step–no matter how impossible or scary it may seem. As I hope I’ve proven, you can always reimagine your life and make a comeback.
How does your experience during COVID influence the narrative?
COVID put my former business of live, in-person trunk shows and events out to pasture. In order to survive and keep my business going, I had to pivot to this new way of social selling. In many ways, I am thankful for the opportunity to have been able to shift my business in this way, because it’s opened up so many more doors than a solely in-person business would. Now, I am excited about being able to do both - omnichannel is always the way to go!
Is there a specific chapter that feels the most personal or cathartic for you?
The chapter where I go into the day I got sober: May 1 2016. It was a deeply spiritual experience for me and truly marked the beginning of my comeback. Without my sobriety, I am not sure the rest of the success would’ve followed, so it was a critical turning point.
How do you balance personal storytelling with broader cultural and industry insights?
I don’t think there’s any one trick to this. You have to be a student of the world, always be open to learning from experiences and people you come across, and figure out a way to make your own mark in a manner that is authentic to you.
What do you think the fashion industry can learn from the resilience and reinvention themes in your book?
Brands are in essence like living, breathing people. They should always be telling a story and connecting with their audience/customers. As we know in the fashion industry, trends come and go, brands come in and out of popularity and fashion. But that’s ok, because there is nothing that people like more than a comeback - be it a brand or a person.
What does “comeback” mean to you, and how does this book signify that?
To me, a “comeback” speaks to how in the face of adversity, you can always see a path forward, and take steps forward– no matter how big or small– to propel you to your next incarnation.
How does your book reflect the changing landscape of fashion, luxury, and retail?
At the core, both my business and I are disrupting the retail space and the way people experience and purchase luxury goods. By leveraging the power of social media, building a loyal network of friends and customers, always being authentic, and connecting with those in our community, we have built a truly unique ecosystem that will only continue to grow thanks to its ability to give people exactly what they want when they shop and collect luxury,
You’ve always had an eye for reinvention—how does that play into the book’s themes?
I discussed this in one of my chapters, where I talk about Madonna and how she is the master of reinvention. She has always been one of my idols and someone I look up to immensely, so I really learned from the best!
What are some of the biggest misconceptions about making a comeback in a creative industry?
That it can happen overnight. As with everything in life, it requires resolve and hard work every day, a promise to yourself to keep going–even when it gets hard…because it will!
How do you think fashion and retail have evolved post-pandemic, and where do you see yourself in that shift?
I am so fortunate to be positioned at the cusp of a retail revolution, to be honest. This new way of shopping revolves around developing and nurturing a community–no matter how big or small of a brand or retailer you are. If you don’t have community, you will be at a major disadvantage in terms of growing your business.
What surprised you the most about how people have responded to your story so far?
So many friends and colleagues who have read it are surprised that it’s so personal. Given how much I’m on camera for my business, I’ve developed a bit of an on-air persona, which is important as it helps define boundaries. With that said, I wanted the book to reveal the good, the bad and the scary, and I am glad that it provides a fuller view into who I really am as a person.
If you could give this book to your younger self, what would he take away from it?
Good question! I think he would be proud of how I navigated through the ups and downs in my life with such determination and grit. I also think he’d be shocked with how many incredibly talented celebrities and personalities I’ve been able to meet and work with in my life!
What’s one question you hope no one ever asks you about the book—and why?
Any question that digs into the moments where I felt hopeless, unsure of whether or not I could actually make this comeback, are going to be uncomfortable to talk about. But ultimately, that’s what I’m here to do - share the entire story and that includes the painful parts.
If readers could walk away with just one lasting idea or feeling, what would you want it to be?
Keep it moving kids! Life gets lifey, but keep your head high and listen to that inner voice (the positive one!)
How do you want this book to be remembered in the broader context of your legacy?
I hope it gives a voice to my parents and celebrates their inspiring story about traveling to America in search of a dream. I am so honored and fortunate to be able to reap what they sowed - all their hard work has paid off in how I live my life and I could not be more proud. I like to think they would be too.
Beyond this book, what’s next for you—any new projects or collaborations?
I am manifesting a Ted Talk!! Watch this space.
How do you define success at this stage in your career?
I just turned 60. Once I can take this business to where I see it landing, I am excited to use my efforts, knowledge and connections to give back.
What advice would you give someone struggling to redefine their career or personal journey?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Pray to whomever you pray to. And never listen to the naysayers.
How does this book set the stage for what’s to come in your work and brand?
I hope Covet by Christos will become a billion-dollar business and continue building a community that is loved, respected, and appreciated worldwide.
If you had to summarise this book in three words, what would they be?
Greek. Gay. Go.
Book release: March 23, 2025
Team Credits:
Photographer: Rutvik Katuri @rutvikkaturi
Talent: Christos Garkinos @covetbychristos
Wardrobe Stylist: Kristopher Fraser @krisfashion1
Grommer: Jason Linkow @jasonlinkow
Digi-tech: Omkar Huude @iam_omkarhuude
Studio: Showroom Seven