Travel & Gourmet

First come, first served: New Choo Café by Jimmy Choo in London

Whether tables, chairs or plates - PINK EVERYWHERE. The new summer hotspot for content creators and shoe lovers.
interior design indoors furniture room lighting lobby

Ein absoluter „pink-carpet-moment“ soll hervorgerufen werden, wenn man das neue Café im fünften Stock des weltbekannten Einkaufzentrums Harrods in London betritt. Inspiriert wurde das Café von der neuen Handtaschenlinie des britischen Modehauses Jimmy Choo: der Varenne Avenue Collection, welche diesen Herbst auf den Markt kommen wird.


Both savory and sweet dishes are offered on the menu, with much emphasis on freshness and seasonality. These are served on pink Jimmy Choo tableware and feature a JC logo - hoping to please both the eye and the camera lenses of our phones.

Photo: Jimmy Choo

4. Choo Cafe by Jimmy Choo_Harrods_new.jpg

The café is planned for a period from July 6 to September 30 and is open Monday to Sunday. Whether it eventually becomes the raspberry croissant, the mozzarella sandwich or a Flat White: Enjoy glamour and exclusivity at the highest level. And don't forget to take a selfie.

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Photo: Jimmy Choo
Photo: Jimmy Choo


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