Tarot and Self-Knowledge: Which Queen Is Inside Me?
A queen - this is a sovereign and confident woman. Even if we temporarily forget this attitude in some challenges - we, the queens, know who we are and what we want. In the tarot there are four queens, each embodying and representing their own form of femininity. We asked tarot expert Linda Hauptmann about its meaning.
The Tarot is a wonderful tool for self-reflection and self-knowledge.
The cards reflect our overarching themes and our current phase of life. The so-called court cards, to which the queens belong, are divided into the four elements : fire, water, earth and air. So let's be inspired by the queens of the elements. Either you feel a soul mate when reading the following section of one of the queens, or you intuitively feel that the current life situation shows a clear focus in one of the four elements. If the assignment is not clear in this way, you are welcome to go by the zodiac sign or ascendant - depending on which sign is more pronounced according to your own feelings. Incidentally, from around the age of 30, the ascendant often has the greater significance.
The element earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo): The queen of coins
The coins in the tarot stand for everything that is tangible. This is about finance, home, possessions, body, family and fertility. Like all queens, we find the coin queen seated on a throne. She holds her symbol, the golden disc, appreciatively and a little dreamily on her lap in her hands. Her surroundings radiate growth and fertility: she sits amidst rose vines and berry bushes under a sunny sky. The Queen of Coins counts down-to-earthness, warmth, pragmatism, caring and consistency among her greatest strengths. She is the friend who always has an ear for us. The mother who gave us life and who always catches us. She is the partner with whom you can steal horses but also build a house. Apart from all these roles, she is a person who is at peace with herself, combining a sense of reality and warmth of heart. Who acts attentively and calmly, sometimes almost stoically - but would do anything for his loved ones. She is not a superficial materialist, her clothes are rather elegant understatement for her status. However, she is extremely adept and far-sighted when it comes to financial matters. Her Achilles heel goes hand in hand with her reliability and continuity: Before she makes decisions, they want to be thoroughly thought through and checked. She doesn't rush things - her path is carefully chosen, but for more dynamic people her deliberation can feel excruciatingly slow. Impulse actions and little crazy things? Rarely. At this point, our coin queen is welcome to get a little inspiration and courage from the other elements. But she should definitely keep her warmth and her creative potential. Not only do we love her for that, but she also lays the foundation for her very own quality of life.
The Water Element (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio): The Queen of Cups
The Queen of Chalices is an ambivalent woman. The water stands for emotions, intuition, gut feeling. Our inner voice. Deeper knowledge and dreams. Our Queen sits on a throne decorated with shells and little mermaids. She holds a lavishly decorated goblet in her hands and stares at it almost penetratingly. The sea ripples right at her feet - she is enthroned on sand and pebbles. We see cliffs in the background. Her clothes, her crown, her braided hair and her face radiate beauty. The Queen of Water is a highly emotional esthete. Her feelings, her inner life are very important to her and her intuition is always her guiding principle when making decisions. Her emotional intelligence makes her extremely lovable and approachable. She almost "feels" her surroundings with great empathy. She understands a lot and has an open ear. And she quickly finds a wavelength with the people around her - whether at work, at parties or when dating. However, what can be challenging for her environment: Like the water, she sometimes literally flows through your hands. Cannot be tied down or made to make firm decisions. The foundation of their throne, the sand, is not stable or permanent. But her lovable nature, her creativity, her dreaminess and femininity are easy to forgive. Down-to-earthness, reliability, but also clear intellectual considerations and occasional outbursts of masculine, hands-on energy, she can learn from the other elements. Which in turn can inspire her with her flowing, dreamy grace - with her ability to dream up beauty and thus bring it into life. Likewise with her pronounced kindness.
The Fire Element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Queen of Wands
It stands for passion, drive, energy, creativity, passionate emotions and pure vitality. Accordingly, the Queen of Wands is enthroned on a bright orange and gold throne decorated with lions and sphinxes. She holds the staff and a sunflower in her hands. A black cat sits enthroned at her feet, heralding magic and spiritual knowledge. In the background we see dunes. Friendly, slightly smiling, the beautiful queen looks over her realm. If there is one queen who controls her element instead of being ruled, it is this one! Although a person full of passions, deep feelings and sensuality, she is nevertheless completely sovereign and in no way driven. She exudes warmth, strength, and is the only one who sits openly facing us. She is not afraid to show herself because she is the epitome of female strength. What she wants, she creates. With passion and drive. She does not shy away from overtime or additional training. With a goal in mind, she is unstoppable. She lives out her sensuality , her sexuality in a self-determined manner. Talking about her weaknesses is difficult. Sometimes she might tend to push herself too hard. Also to push your environment a lot. Not everyone can live up to your expectations. A little more calm, serenity, also the courage to be vulnerable, other elements can set an example for her. But her power and rousing charisma easily make up for that.
The Element of Air (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra): The Queen of Swords
The element of air is symbolized by the swords. They represent our mind. For thoughts and logic, reason, intelligence. And air is symbolized in many ways on our Queen's card: cloudy mountains in the background, storm-swept trees, a bird in the sky, clouds on her robe, and butterflies on her throne. In a majestic, stern pose, she only shows us her serious profile, with a raised sword and a requesting hand gesture. The Queen of Swords is a complex person. She is very intelligent and gifted with a lot of clarity. Whether it's challenging situations, obscure people, operating instructions or tricks: she sees through and has an overview of everything in no time at all. Your mind is your most valuable tool. And she not only shines with her quick comprehension but also with her ability to implement knowledge. She reigns. Lawyer, lecturer, doctor, financial advisor: These are professions in which she shines with her skills. She's the friend who doesn't tell you what you want to hear when you're heartbroken (as our Queen of Cups would certainly do), but gives honest, if painful, advice. She analyzes the situation precisely for you and opens our eyes. That can hurt - and that's where her weakness lies: she sometimes finds it difficult to be human. Showing feelings, being understanding, forgiving, caring: these are qualities that she is allowed to adopt a bit from the other queens to round them off. Because despite her supposed severity or cool aura, she is a kind-hearted person who has a strong sense of justice and always stands by her loved ones. Her perspicacity and overview are phenomenal!
"If we know our strengths and weaknesses, then we are unstoppable. Then we can create harmony, exploit our potential and live in love for ourselves." Linda Hauptman
What do we determine for ourselves with this classification?
We asked tarot expert, Linda Hauptmann . She explains: "The most obvious way I see my female counterpart's basic personality structure in a 78-card deck is one of the four queens: the Queen of Coins, of Cups, of Wands, or the Queen of Swords. We should keep in mind , that we naturally unite all elements in proportions within us, and how everything in life should not be drawn in black and white. The purpose of this assignment is self-reflection . Often, my customers recognize patterns in themselves in retrospect: why they have taken certain paths again and again This often explains why a current decision somehow doesn't feel right: It may not correspond to one's own nature. And with a more concrete awareness of one's own nature, future decisions can consequently be made in a more type-appropriate, harmonious and promising way."
What does that mean for us in everyday life?
A Queen of Cups may excel in a healing profession but internally perish behind a desk. A Queen of Wands wants to express herself and contribute and may suffer in a rigid structure that in turn gives the Queen of Coins support and contentment. The Queen of Swords might make a fantastic teacher, but she doesn't feel comfortable being an educator. " With the knowledge of our strengths and weaknesses, we can improve our lives on many levels. Whether it's about professional priorities, relationship issues, family or our personal development, says Linda Hauptmann. Therefore, a tarot consultation , in which the current expression of our nature is included, can be very enriching. In a life that is at odds with our strengths, qualities, and potential, there is bound to be tension. Therefore, in my opinion, the tarot can even be regarded as a tool for burnout or depression prophylaxis. In addition to conventional ways."