
Monthly horoscope July 2022: For all zodiac signs by L'Officiel astrologer Tanja Brock

We escape together in July from the echoing noise, busyness, clutter of Gemini season and seek healing and realignment in our caves, our imaginary crab shells, At home, in our heart places, with beloved familiar people, family, in peace, by the sea, in the mountains or snuggled up with a book in bed. Monthly horoscope July 2022 for all zodiac signs:
leaf plant

The Sun in July is in sensitive, mystical, and intuitive Cancer until July 21, and July 2022 encourages us to reconnect with our hearts and our power of love. The coming month is about strengthening compassion for others but also for ourselves while creating a beautiful home inside and out. However, right at the beginning of this month, from July 2, we may feel that we are facing more hurdles than usual, as Mars in Aries will be in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn on July 2, which means that we will somehow feel frustrated right at the beginning of the month and should definitely protect ourselves and others from impulsive behavior, power struggles, jealousy, and hostility.


On 21.06 at the solstice the sun changed into the sign Cancer.  That means at the latest from then on we could feel in us and our familiar environment after all the cosmic also airy (Gemini) turmoil then again a little more at home and more comfortable, because the sun illuminates the emotional and home and family-oriented sign of Cancer in which on 29.06 also the new moon took place.

Fashion designers with the zodiac sign of Cancer include:  Vera Wang, Elie Saab, Giorgio Armani or Oscar de la Renta who are known for fine dreamy looks and romantic designs.

We are more thin-skinned, emotional and sensitive than usual - after all, it is Cancer season.
In fact, it also helps us really feel the energetic transition into this watery and emotional quality of time precisely because both Mercury moves into the sensitive sign of Cancer on July 5 and Venus on July 18. 

In addition, we are no longer as energetic and driven with Mars in Taurus as of July 5 instead of previously Mars in the domicile of Aries and may invite a little more slowness though also perseverance and patience.

There may be some frustration and inner turmoil during the month as Mars approaches the North Node of the Moon and Uranus in Taurus.

Basically, July calls for some forbearance and empathy towards our loved ones and family, as well as ourselves.


On July 11, the United States will have its second exact Pluto return. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth
Pluto will hopefully bring some kind of revolution. It seems that the basic intentions of the U.S., already set for this country on July 4, 1776 (Declaration of Independence), are again being fiercely tested. 


The process of (inner child) healing continues and becomes even more intense when healing planetoid Chiron turns retrograde in Aries on July 19 and the Sun is in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn on July 20. 

And then at the end of the month when Mars and Venus and the Sun all move into the courageous and creative sign of Leo in July, we will once again firmly consider the light of ourselves that we want to bring out into the world from our hearts, how we want to be and are seen, and what makes us so unique. A feeling that you want to reinvent yourself is already noticeable in the energy swing of July.

With the Sun entering Leo on 07/22 and the New Moon in Leo on July 28, our personal reboot then realigns with a global awakening, and the individual facets of our new selves fit into a vast new mosaic of global karma. You could also call the New Moon in Leo a Revolutionary New Moon, so many rebellious revolutionary energies are interfering here astrologically.


On July 28, the ruler of the year, Jupiter, turns retrograde in ambitious Aries, marking a turning point in his rapid development since May 11 and hopefully countering our world's hurriedness with deceleration.


Full Moon in Capricorn:
The Full Moon on July 13 at in Capricorn is a good time to take a look at your personal work-life balance. Topics: Boundaries, (energetic) protection, work-life balance, self-care, responsibility. What house of cards have you built that simultaneously prevents you from real contact, from being "touchable" and "palpable" to your own memories? 

New Moon in Leo:
The New Moon in the sign of Leo on July 28 can open our heart in a whole new and wondrous way to lived life joy. Truly feeling our heart, trusting it and following its impulses is the gift of the Leo New Moon. We are allowed to be more sensual, courageous and playful than usual and feel intensely alive. Themes: inner and outer revolution, heart power, sun, self-love, sun dance, self-confidence, strength and talents.

July horoscope for each sign of the zodiac:


Beware of quarrels and outbursts of anger at the beginning of the month. From the 5th, Mars in Taurus will allow you to mobilize all your resources and increase your income. Also Mercury in Cancer from the 5th for everything related to your family and home will demand from Aries to integrate more time for exchanges and communication with loved ones in your busy daily life. From the 19th to the 22nd, when Mercury and the Sun then move into the friendly sign of Leo, things will be good for your love life until the end of the month. 


Full speed ahead: Mars moves into the sign of Taurus on July 5. Taurus-born will clearly feel more combative and ready to take some initiatives for their goals. With Mars in Taurus, you get a lot of tailwind for almost two months. However, you should be careful not to overspend or get carried away. The current power can be invested in physical activities and a good sports program. 
Mercury in Cancer is also very good between July 5 and 18 because of some favorable aspects when it comes to taking a stand or saying clearly what you want. From July 19 when Mercury and the Sun then moves into Leo from July 22, the Taurus must again show more initiative themselves but also good nerves....



Lucky phase for love: From June 23 to July 18, love planet Venus still wanders through the sign Gemini. This phase brings a lot of sensuality, pleasure and happiness in love. It also makes us Geminis even more attractive and desirable both professionally and in our private lives. From the 5th, Mars in Taurus will weaken us a bit in terms of strength, but hopefully allow us to finally slow down a bit. Finally, Mars will return to our sign in August, even into next year, and that's when things will really take off. From July 5 Mercury will bring our finances back into balance and business will start again. From July 19 Mercury will strengthen our stage presence and we will become even more communicative.


This can be a real power month: The Sun has already moved into your sign on June 21. Communication planet Mercury moves into your sign July 5-19, promoting all matters that require good negotiating skills and communication. Likewise, you should take advantage of the Venus energy in your sign from July 18 to August 11. Perhaps from this time you will feel more attractive and even more beautiful? From the 19th the cash registers could ring and you can expect some cash flow.



Venus in Gemini from 23.06. to 18.07. is favorable for relationship, finances and your radiance. Mercury also moves into the sign of Leo from 19.07. to 4.08. and thus pushes your own communication skills. As long as the Sun is in Cancer until the end of the month, you should be careful not to overwhelm others with your own drive and irresistible charm. But the Leo time is approaching. The Sun changes into Leo on July 22. 


Ruler and communication planet Mercury moves into the sign Cancer from July 5-19, boosting concentration and memory. Mars in friendly Taurus starting July 5 will give you a more adventurous spirit. What great things do you want to experience in July? Starting on the 19th with Mercury in Leo, you may feel more reserved and shy. Jupiter in Aries turns retrograde on the 28th, perhaps reminding you to take a look at savings and banking matters.


One should take advantage of both the Venus energy in the friendly sign Gemini since 23.06 and the Cancer Venus from July 18 to August 11. In the latter phase, the ruler planet enters the 10th house of career and great successes could be experienced here during this time. At best, many look up to Libra and remind you of the abundance of your own abilities. Above all, appearance, including outward appearance, play an important role in your career success at the end of July. The only downer: some thin-skinnedness and sentimentality may stand in your way this month.  


July could be a bit tense overall, unfortunately: In general, Mars in the opposition sign Taurus from July 5 provides for tensions in relationships - However, equally strong passions can awaken. And if someone is not afraid of depth, then finally the Scorpios! From the 18th with Venus in friendly Cancer, it's worth trying to be original to stand out from possible competitors. From the 19th, Mercury in Leo makes you more flexible at work and able to multi-task. Then at the end of the month at the new moon, unfortunately, there are tensions again.


Hopefully, you enjoy the magical Venus phase in Gemini until July 18. Perhaps Sagittarius-born people will now feel more attractive, more desirable and finally really seen. Professional life becomes more combative on July 5 and you will change some things. From July 19 with Mercury in friendly Leo, one opens r more to the outside. From July 28, the ruler planet Jupiter in Aries becomes retrograde. This means that the main energy of Sagittarius is now directed more inward. You can use this phase to integrate more gratitude for what you have already achieved.


From July 5 with Mercury in Cancer everything revolves around love and this should be communicated. Reconciliations and great encounters for singles are well possible in July. Important to the full moon on July 13 in your own sign: Perhaps one or the other Capricorn-born in recent years may have learned to be less strict with himself and his environment. In the best case, a "no" and thus a yes to oneself can be pronounced more often with too many obligations and commitments. From June 29 to December 4, Neptune turned retrograde in Pisces. This is also a good phase to make peace with the past.


From July 5 to August 20, Mars challenges one's assertiveness. Finally, ruler planet Uranus is also in Taurus and challenges one's concentration, because thus Mars forms a square to the Aquarius Sun. On the other hand, Venus is in friendly Gemini until July 18 and provides lightness, joy and enriching encounters. In addition, perhaps the topic of finances finally feels a little lighter. Mercury in the opposite sign Leo makes from July 19 particularly communicative. You now make contacts particularly well and successfully, organize trips or get the necessary hearing in the job.


This can be a powerful month for you, favoring some new beginnings.  Communication planet Mercury moves into the friendly sign of Cancer from July 5 to 19, promoting all matters that require good negotiating skills and communication. You should also take advantage of the Venus energy in the friendly sign of Cancer from July 18 to August 11. You may feel more attractive, desirable and seen from this time on. From July 19, you could be at the beginning of a beautiful love story or definitely feel like the love you give will come back.

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About me:

I am Tanja Brock and call myself a modern astrologer. I want to convey the wisdom teachings of the cosmos to the world in an undusted and true-to-life way. Via my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: I regularly deliver "Cosmic Weather Reports" as well as report on quality(s) of time and write about astrological and spiritual topics. I am happy to advise people on their birth horoscope, offering personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes, and, most recently, location horoscopes (astrocartography). My first book "Mein Mondjournal" was published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.

On the 4th of April, my Astro Cards were published by Königsfurt Urania.

From 16.05 started my great astrology course: Astrology 2.0, in 6 blocks (also bookable individually) with certificate completion. 

Photo: Julie Neiss

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