
Monthly horoscope February: The Leo full moon gives star appeal

At the beginning of February, on February 5th, we have a full moon in Löwen that invites us to more joie de vivre and inner radiance. Finally, on February 11th, Mercury leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius and we can feel more clarity and focus on our future and make plans for change. The Sun enters sensitive and delicate Pisces on February 18th and there is a Pisces New Moon on February 20th that brings us loads of magic. Venus moves into Aries on February 20th and we can polish our self-esteem.

lion wildlife animal mammal

Also in February you should continue to get involved with the refreshing Aquarius energy. The Sun has moved into Aquarius since January 20th.

Astrologically, the month of February has some potential, so it will start with full force and start the year a second time and much more successfully in 2023.

Aquarians are incredibly humorous and a bit crazy somehow different, it's not for nothing that carnival begins during Aquarius and represents the Aquarius energy quite well. Aquarians are lovable free spirits, small and large rebels, yet great empaths and ready for any adventure.

A true Aquarius radiates freedom and is a master at verbalizing their feelings intellectually and working creatively. Among them you will find some real visionaries and discoverers such as fashion designers: Christian Dior, Narciso Rodriguez or Patricia Field. Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, which is running directly again this month, is a spiritual planet and brings real individualists to light in Aquarius.

The sign Aquarius stands for the global community and networks and at the same time for an idea of a good society, in the ideal sense with free and progressive thinking.

This quality of time also brings all other signs of the zodiac much more freedom, visions of the future and the desire for individuality and intellectual considerations.


Dreamy feelings of love and heightened romance - Venus in Pisces from 01/27/23 to 02/20/23

In astrological terminology - Venus is said to be "exalted" in Pisces. An elevated position is the highest distinction a planet can receive. Venus in Pisces has "premium quality" so to speak! This also means that love is and can be a big topic in your life and has a positive potential that is perhaps just waiting to be unfolded. Venus can be in On the one hand, the Pisces develop extremely well, but on the other hand, they can unfortunately also lose themselves in the ocean of emotions and perceptions, for example in a constant striving for what is supposedly better! too sher to dip into an imaginary cotton candy!

Up on the stage: 5.02 full moon in Leo Topic: courage and vitality

The full moon in extroverted Leo is marked by the coloring of the royal lion, full of courage, pride and strength of heart. Leo energy reminds us to accept and love even our deepest layers. She also reminds us to step onto the stage of life to celebrate who we are and show the world the best, brightest, most authentic version of ourselves.

The energy and quality of this full moon should bring us closer to self-acceptance, in the magical full moon energy of the lion we should bathe in it like in a bubble bath, in there the knowledge deepens before the awakening of spring is still a vague promise at the moment: the time to shine and to step onto your own stage of life and dance is always-NOW!

Full Moon Question: Did you have a particular talent growing up that has long been forgotten?


02/11 Keep cool: Mercury, the planet of communication, changes to the sign of Aquarius

This is the same constellation that we already experienced at the beginning of January. In Aquarius, it's about staying neutral for us in our communication and not letting our feelings or moods get in the way of truth and clarity. When Mercury is in Aquarius shaping the way we think about ourselves, we see things through a more rational lens than usual. This could give us some "aha" moments!

Still, is a time when we can approach our most innovative ideas and plans with an eye to the future. Our dreams and visions can be revised internally, also to discard/renew things if something doesn't work in reality and has no more potential.

Tip: We still have to be careful not to think and communicate too coolly or soberly in this constellation, otherwise we could lose contact with our sensitive sides for a short time.

Fish season: From 18.02. the Sun moves to Pisces until March 20th

The zodiac sign Pisces is strongly influenced by the element of water, the primary substance of all life and its ruling planet of spirituality and intangible transcendence: Neptune. The sign Pisces embodies the emotional, the prophetic, which stands above the intellectual power. But also the surreal and fantastic. Therefore, we also know the basic characteristics of Pisces people: They are mysterious, compassionate, intuitive, sensitive and understanding. The opposite pole in the zodiac, embodied by Virgo, stands for the realism that Pisces sometimes lacks. However, it would be a shame if we had to live without the dreamy, poetic, and incredibly creative energy of the Pisces native. This is sometimes almost out of this world.

This can be seen, for example, in the fantastic creations of the designers Alexander McQueen, Hubert de Givenchy, Franco Moschino or Kenzo Takada, who were born under the sign of Pisces.

World Pain vs. Universal Love: New Moon in Pisces on February 20th.  

Themes: Compassion, Help, Silence, Peace, Imagination, Creativity, Healing

The new moon in Pisces brings a magical, surprising support to everything we do for our desires and dreams during this new moon. Miracles come true!

In addition, the new moon in Pisces embodies the desire to help, but also the demarcation that we have been (forcedly) dealing with for a few days now in order to even take part in normal life.

How can we currently express our strong feelings? Through art and creativity, of course. Into which we unwittingly let our intuition and deepest feelings flow... also by giving our inner child our artist paint and brush, pen or a hand tool to transfer our colorful inner world to the outside. It is not only cleansing, but also healing to let our imagination flow and give it space.

How can we currently express our strong feelings? Through art and creativity, of course. In which we unwittingly let our intuition and deepest feelings flow... also by giving our inner child our artist paint and brush, pen or a hand tool to transfer our colorful inner world to the outside. It is not only cleansing, but also healing to let our imagination flow and give it space.

Tip as a new moon ritual and for the rest of the Pisces season: creative writing, dream diary, painting, drawing, poetry

More Passion: Venus changes on February 20th   into Aries

Venus in Aries directs our energy and attention to what we are now - in the present moment (focus on our ego).

After all, the 1st house in astrology, the Aries house, stands for our ascendant - our personality. We should now also integrate this I into our relationship life after what we may have recently experienced, learned, healed and transformed about ourselves.

In all relationships and also in other human-related contacts there is finally more dynamic and drive. We can revive dormant relationships in this quality of time, fuel them with passion, especially if you are a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and have a lot of fire as an element in the chart!

smile head face happy person woman adult female dimples portrait
About me

My name is Tanja Brock and I call myself a modern astrologer and I would like to convey the wisdom of the cosmos, astrology , to the world in a clean, modern and true-to-life way. Via my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: www. I regularly deliver cosmic weather reports to and write about astrological and spiritual topics. I lovingly advise people astrologically on their birth horoscope, and I offer, among other things, personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes, location horoscopes (astrocartography), seminars and training courses. My first book "Mein Mondjournal" was published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.

Every month I write a comprehensive horoscope for all zodiac signs for L'Officiel Austria . So that each of us can live in harmony with the current time energy.

In 2022 my Astro Cards were published by Königsfurt Urania Verlag.

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