
It's Time for Taurus! Monthly Horoscope May 2022 for all Zodiac Signs

Also in the so-called Wonnemonat May the cosmos will offer us some challenges, like among other things the second Mercury Retrograde 2022. May began already with a cosmic bang to new moon in the bull and the partial eclipse and then an eruption takes place to the probably most violent full moon of the year, on 16.05. in the Scorpio, with a total lunar eclipse. For me, the Scorpio full moon period has usually been the most extreme and intense for years, because these full moons in Scorpio usually have an incomparable intensity.
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Furthermore, unexpected turns are to be expected, we have finally arrived in the eclipse season, Pluto is retrograde since 30.04 and communication planet Mercury from 10.05 also retrograde first in Gemini and then in Taurus from 23.05. The Mercury Retrograde has as an astrological phenomenon quite clearly a bad and terrible reputation! But not everything has to be as scary as you read. While this retrograde can definitely cause some problems, especially in the areas of communication and travel, it is therefore good to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for what is to come.
Knowing what to expect puts you one step ahead of the cosmic drama, so take care of everything possible now to avoid metaphorical or literal flat tires, delays, hard drive failures, or car breakdowns later.


Jupiter in Aries from 11 May 2022 until the end of October will be a time of passion, optimism, and resilience!
With Jupiter in Aries, we will build our confidence, courage, and determination. 


Sensuality, matter and abundance- Change of sign: Sun in Taurus from April 20.

Relevant in Taurus time are mainly security issues (inner and outer values and resources), material things, beauty, sensuality, pleasure and luxury.
In everyday life we are often looking for something that nourishes our soul and lets real satisfaction come in. In doing so, we often forget that we can find many such life-giving sources in nature that help us up from the depths to life. There is one instance, a source of tranquility and abundance. Mother Nature helps us to come back to ourselves.

Especially the relation to the planetary ruler Venus makes Taurus-born especially suitable for the fields of beauty and fashion, art, music and design and all related industries, such as retail, interior design, but also enjoyment: fine food and richly laid tables, hence many chefs, gourmets and gourmets are also found among the bulls.

Well-known taurus fashion designers include the absolute luxury lovers: Christian Lacroix, Donatella Versace, Jean-Paul Gaultier and Valentino.

Cosmic Roadmap

Especially if you know about astrological transits, important astrological events or moon phases, you can adjust yourself and your activities temporally, energetically and emotionally correctly. You can understand this like a timetable or a cosmic weather report. This also provides the opportunity to patiently weather a bad cosmic weather. It helps to get back into action as soon as it is over and shows how to use the current energies for your business, private life and personal goals in the best possible way.

More Passion: Venus moves into Aries on May 2.

Venus in the sign of Aries directs our energy and attention to who we are now -in the present moment (focus on our ego). After all, the 1st house in astrology, the house of Aries also stands for our Ascendant- our personality. This I, we should now also integrate into our relationship life, after what we may have recently experienced, learned, healed and transformed about ourselves-so much transformation in the last weeks and to the new moon in Taurus on April 30. In all relationships and also in other people-related contacts now finally comes more dynamism and drive. We can revive dormant relationships in this quality of time, fire them up with passion, especially if you are a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and have lots of fire as an element in your chart!

Second Mercury Retrograde 2022: On 10.05 Mercury Retrograde first in Gemini (Mercury Retrograde total 10.05 -3.06).

Then when Mercury retrogrades in Gemini from May 10, not only will communication and travel become chaotic, but we can also expect a wave of complications in our lives when it comes to technology/schedules/plans/contracts/trade. So we can expect another crash in our communication channels via WhatsApp, Instagram or Facebook. It is important during a Mercury Retrograde in the actually strong communicating Gemini that we communicate clearly and if necessary, if we ourselves are in ambiguity, take a step back and take time to sort ourselves out, check written things carefully, finally work off unfinished emails and to-do's or the tax return.

Actively reach for the stars: Jupiter moves into Aries on 11.05.

The annual ruler Jupiter moves into the Aries sign and provides particularly favorable conditions for all your plans during this time. Jupiter remains here until October 27, and the positive influence associated with it can be particularly intense during the first weeks of its entry.
The goals set in this phase and all the heart's desires can find their way of unfolding in the course of the year.

Tip: Now you should let go of all insecurities, your own doubts and prove what is possible with the power and courage of Aries to bring professional and ambitious goals into the world.

The Emotional outburst: 16th May 2022 

Full moon in Scorpio and total lunar eclipse

The days around a moon in what feels like the lowest sign of the zodiac of all, Scorpio often feel extreme, as everything wants to come out, we shed our emotional skin and deeply repressed issues want to surface - but this is all for our own good! For it is painfully revealed at this full moon what life, one's own inner voice already knows: that nothing is more important than our relationship to truth and to our own best, not in an egoistic sense, but in a healthy sense. This could temporarily destroy or shake our worldview or human connections.

Topics: Shadow and light, extremes, karma, trauma, secrets, magic, transformation, changes, mysticism.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth is between the moon and the sun. This causes the light of the sun to be obscured by the moon. A lunar eclipse is a very intense Astro and celestial event that always occurs on a full moon. It is about three times stronger in its effective energy than a normal full moon and often brings us important turning points, revelations but also some drama.

Humor, cleverness, and a sunny disposition in our luggage: 21 May 2022: The Change of signs - Sun in the twins.

This sun change brings us more joy, humor and a touch of freedom and lightness, courage to tell the truth. The sign is the sign of polarities, often Gemini is even said to be intangible like the air itself, so this is exactly the quality of the sign: lightness and floating in different worlds, areas and an incessant flexibility to adjust to changes again and again. This happens mostly with clever ideas, which the twins carry out into the world with their communication strength and radiate sunny joy.

So you can find a lot of colorful, humorous and clever design at the twins-designers like Sonia Rykiel, Salvatore Ferragamo, Charlotte Olympia Dellal, Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen or at Tory Burch.

Beware of buying frenzies and bad investments: on 23 May 2022 Mercury changes back into Taurus

Mercury retrograde in Taurus from 05/23 to 06/3/22 in retrograde can cause us to clash with others when it comes to difficult topics, habits, or being too comfortable with communication. An Astro constellation can be very frustrating and possibly block our communication power and channels like emails, WhatsApp, etc.

Tip: In any case, you should be careful not to be too stubborn to impose your own point of view! Also, beware of unnecessary costs that you might cause out of frustration. In Taurus, Mercury Retrograde makes for bad purchases and styling faux pas.

Full throttle and action: on 25 May 2022: Mars changes into Aries

Aries is the sign Mars rules, here he feels h at home and really ignites us for our goals, sparks ambition, and drives us forward. Mars and masculine energy mean how we assert ourselves in the world, being able to act, it is the energy to do, both in men and women. This often becomes shadowy and distorted, competitive and insecure. Therefore, in this phase, it is important to stand up for oneself strongly and to assert oneself authentically, when competitive struggles may become topical due to this quality of time.

Luxury and sensuality: on 28 May 2022 Venus changes into Taurus

On 28th May 2022 Venus changes into her home sign: Venus as the ruler of the sign Taurus is in the horoscope the symbol of the power of love in man, this is expressed through relationships, love for another person or through the creative occupation with the aesthetic and beautiful. This homecoming is also called "being in domicile" in astrological language, and therefore opens up a particularly pleasurable and sensual time for us, which will certainly strengthen our love for beauty and luxury.

Joy, lightness, and summer freshness: 30 May 2022 New moon in Gemini

This new moon in the sign of Gemini brings a new beginning, a breath of freedom and lightness, courage to tell the truth, because clear honest words help, new impulses and inspirations in our lives. But we may also invite these positive and joyful vibes into the lives of others who are looking for more vibrancy. Perhaps the opportunity for a joyful summer party. We may also invite a childlike cheerfulness and humor back into our own lives more in this energy.

Themes: Courage for truth and honesty, inner polarities, lightness, freshness, communication, writing, joy and humor.


About me:

I am Tanja Brock and call myself a modern astrologer. I want to convey the wisdom teachings of the cosmos to the world in an undusted and true-to-life way. Via my Instagram account @_innerwisdom_ and my website: I regularly deliver "Cosmic Weather Reports" as well as report on quality(s) of time and write about astrological and spiritual topics. I am happy to advise people on their birth horoscope, offering personal horoscope consultations, partner horoscopes, karma horoscopes and, most recently, location horoscopes (astrocartography). My first book "Mein Mondjournal" was published in June 2021 by mvg Verlag, Munich.

On 4th of April my Astro Cards were published by Königsfurt Urania.

From 16.05 starts my great astrology course: Astrology 2.0, in 6 blocks (also bookable individually) with certificate completion. 


Photo: Sapna Richter

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