5 Lies we tell ourselves
The law of resonance is now finding its way from the spiritual plane into the gates of neuroscience. Put simply, there is a part of our brain called the reticular activating system (RAS) that filters more than two million pieces of data every day and triggers behavior patterns related to thoughts and self-beliefs.
If self-doubt and negative self-talk dominate our minds, the RAS will do everything in its power to make it happen and present it to us as a "physical experience." We experience similar situations over and over again that hurt and offend us. But if we eliminate these common lies that we constantly and willingly tell ourselves and replace them with positive new beliefs, our RAS will help manifest a new reality around us through encounters, events and places. It's so easy to fall into a hole of self-doubt, but with these simple mantras, we can make lasting changes to our mindset.
Below, we present five common lies or thoughts we tell ourselves and show you how we can replace them with positive thoughts.
Lie 1: "You (insert a word of your choice), why did you do that?"
Instead, replace the question with this mantra: "I free myself from judgment. I am constantly learning and growing from my mistakes."
Lie 2: "I am not enough."
Replace this harmful thought with this mantra: "I am enough. I am called to greatness."
Lie 3: "I'm a failure. I always screw up."
Replace this feeling with this mantra: "I recognize every mistake as an opportunity to learn and get one step closer to my true potential."
Lie 4: "I don't have time for me."
Replace this belief with this mantra: "My body and mind are a temple where all things are created. My body and mind deserve love and care."
Lie 5: "I feel stuck. My life has no meaning."
Replace self-destructiveness with this mantra: "There is always a solution. Let's go!"
The law of resonance is now finding its way from the spiritual plane into the gates of neuroscience. Put simply, there is a part of our brain called the reticular activating system (RAS) that filters more than two million pieces of data every day and triggers behavior patterns related to thoughts and self-beliefs.
If self-doubt and negative self-talk dominate our minds, the RAS will do everything in its power to make it happen and present it to us as a "physical experience." We experience similar situations over and over again that hurt and offend us. But if we eliminate these common lies that we constantly and willingly tell ourselves and replace them with positive new beliefs, our RAS will help manifest a new reality around us through encounters, events and places. It's so easy to fall into a hole of self-doubt, but with these simple mantras, we can make lasting changes to our mindset.
Below, we present five common lies or thoughts we tell ourselves and show how we can replace them with positive thoughts.