
Meeting London Based Fashion Stylist Lilya Chair

Image consultant, fashion stylist and personal shopper are just a few of Lilya Chair’s job titles. We talked to the London based fashion expert, whose everyday job is style. From the obstacles she had to face starting out as a stylist, to the rewards of being an established professional in the fashion industry - in this exclusive interview - Lilya talks career.

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How did you start your career?

 When I started my journey as an image consultant and fashion stylist, I was new to London’s life and crowd. I didn’t have any connections or network to rely on, but I had passion about what I was building and a dream to fulfil. 

The start was tough, finding clients was one of the most challenging steps. I didn’t have a clear plan but a strong intuition and determination to find them. 


My first clients were busy mums from my daughter’s nursery, they trusted me and my skills. Most of them had no time for shopping the new trends, or even know about them. They have no time to look after their wardrobe but wanted to look stylish all the time. The transformations they experienced through my services lead to long lasting relationships. They still call me every season to refresh their wardrobes.


I met more obstacles than possibilities at the beginning, but slowly by attracting more big clients I learnt to grow and transform my work through them, as much as they were transforming their looks and style with me. Through my client’s needs and trust, I managed to open bigger doors. I learnt to become bold and brave enough to go and ask for what I was looking for and what I exactly needed.

I went from building new wardrobes for my clients, from different brands, and luxury shops to being expected and invited at haute couture shows.

'Today, I am proud to say that I am also coaching and mentoring big names from the fashion and art industry'

Lilya, who was once completely new to London and its fashion sphere, jumped from styling small wardrobes, to buying fashion haute couture, haute jewellery and attending big fashion shows alongside Anna Wintour, and so many other big names of the fashion world. She also started collaborating with exclusive jewellery designers for unique pieces, organising her client’s life in the best way in each aspect. Lilya, who was a personal shopper and Image consultant became a life style coach, collaborating with la crème de la crème in London and Paris mostly, focusing on her clients wellbeing and creating harmony.

Can you tell us more about the range of your clients?

My clients in general are professionals between 26 and 55, also mothers who are too busy with their family life to get their head around all the fashion world and shopping. 

People who are stuck with their style and are looking for transformation. 
People moving into leadership positions and need help to adapt their wardrobe, their image and self-confidence.
Successful women entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley, looking for authentic and bespoke pieces. People from the cinema world and artists.
People visiting London or Paris for a short amount of time and want to make the best of it. 

What do your clients look for when coming to you?

 My clients are looking for change, transformation and also saving time knowing that with me we can go straight to the point and target their needs. 

They also come to me when they are looking for specific or exclusive pieces, knowing that I know where to get things. 

Your clients have extensive resources. Still, what they lack?

 Organisation and self-confidence. Everybody struggles with self-confidence at different levels. Working on your personal image from inside and outside is a great way to improve it. 

Beyond physical “things” like clothing or accessories — what do you bring to your clients?

 For me, human contact is very important. I always make sure that despite all the things we are getting, the experience is memorable and that my clients are enjoying their time with me and all the brands we are visiting. My pleasure is when my clients look at themselves in the mirror and give me a big smile from the heart. It’s all about the energy you put into the work and people sense it.

How does your consultant and image work expand into other aspects of your clients lives?

Through the years, I have been watching the impact of style transformation on my clients self-confidence  and self-esteem. 

Looking better was definitely feeling better inside and out. 

My clients trust me and my skills, they always end up reaching out for more help and changes in other aspects of their life. 

This is how I developed the Lilya Chair lifestyle coaching, where I organise everything for the client with the help of the best experts in each area and myself as a life coach to keep them going. 


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