
Celia Smith & Weekender Productions Provide Luxurious Travel Experiences

Let us introduce you to Celia Smith. She’s a high-level entrepreneur, social media influencer, business owner, and thought leader. Here’s the fun part though, this is the first time any media outlet has been granted the opportunity to share how Celia stumbled upon creating her unique business.
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At a young age Celia discovered her passion in photography- which along with sports became a part of her everyday life. The turning point of Celia’s life arrived when she discovered how to barter deals with luxurious resorts around the globe. Celia had an itch to see the world, and with that urge came many creative methods on how to successfully make that happen. Celia discovered that by offering her content creation skills to these resorts; they would in turn negotiate a deal so she and her group of friends could travel and venture out into these new territories. With the weekends being the only time Celia and her friends could plan these adventures, due to collegiate obligations, she birthed the name Weekenders.

For Celia, life had been all about travel for almost a year. During this time, she built a strong rapport with creators, entrepreneurs and influencers who had a few common interests: networking, education, and adventure. Celia developed a unique love for connecting up and coming entrepreneurs, and fusing that with the luxury of high end travel. When this realization came into play - ‘Weekender Productions’ was invented—a travel retreat platform that brought elite entrepreneurs together from all over the world.

Conscious of a broader conception of the business, Celia took ‘Weekender Productions’ to a new level. Celia intertwined her passion for photography and videography into the business model for Weekender Productions, and began documenting the experiences for each traveler. This concept not only became the key ingredient to making Celia’s business venture unique compared to the others in her industry, but she coined the entire experience as a mastermind at that point. By signing up for a Weekender Experience, travelers are given the opportunity to visit beautiful destinations, network and develop relationships with high net worth individuals. And if that doesn’t sound good enough, each traveler receives catered brand content to take back home to utilize on their social media channels.

When speaking about her business, Celia said, “You grow when you surround yourself with like-minded people. I have been around entrepreneurs all these years, and I have got to learn so much from different people. Having done almost eight trips during the COVID-19 pandemic, I managed to conduct personal branding programs for creators and brands.” The retreat program focuses on personal development and advises individuals and brands on how to take their content to the next level. “Imagine putting Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Steve Jobs in a room. That’s the purpose I have with ‘Weekenders Productions’, and I am sure people associated with it will see what I see” quoted Celia. “You are the company you keep. Always surround yourself with positivity and cut-off toxic relationships from your life,” she added.

Further on, Celia’s plans for the future consist of creating a subscription-based travel platform for influencers and creators. Celia wants to help as many brands as possible develop proper marketing strategies. There’s nobody better to guide you other than Celia Smith; this entrepreneur has truly mastered the space of social media and content strategy. As advice to all creators, she revealed that providing value and education to the end consumer is the most important aspect of branding.

We’re so excited to watch Celia on her journey of growth. She’s on the fast track to become a leader in her industry, and you can bet that we’ll be riding the wave with her for the adventure ahead.

To know more about her venture, visit

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