
Born to Be Great: the Fate of Pierre Cardin

My name has become more important than myself.
person human weapon weaponry blade

Text: Polina Fokina

Pierre Cardin is the embodiment of insolence and outrageousness, an example of the fact that any idea, even the most insane, is feasible. Whatever the great master undertakes, everything took on extravagant and extraordinary forms, because the French designer has a natural gift to create masterpieces.

“I have found a formula for my meaning in life: to invent and implement. Implementation is the main condition."

The name of Pierre Cardin has long become a legend, which primarily speaks of immense hard work and extravagant creation. The Pierre Cardin brand is associated with fashionable designer clothes, but watches, perfumes, glasses, and even furniture are also produced under this name.

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Designer clothing

"I was told that ready-to-wear would kill my name, but it saved me."

The career of the eminent couturier - Pierre Cardin began in Paris. Young Pierre got a job as a tailor at Jeanne Paquin and then at the Dior fashion house. Here, his design talents were rapidly revealed, but soon he had to leave his job at Dior due to information leaks about the design of outfits. This event became the starting point in creating his own brand - at the age of 28, the fashion designer founded the Fashion House. In 1953, the designer presented his first collection of clothes, and literally, a year later, he saw the light of the "ball-dresses" that became a legend.

Pierre Cardin pioneered the pret-a-porter line. The designer did not plan to create clothes only for wealthy people, so the Printemps department store hosted a debut collection "for socks". This collection caused a violent reaction - the young fashion designer was expelled from the Haute Couture Syndicate (only soon he was accepted back). Such a loud, controversial story served as a good advertisement for Pierre - his production began to expand rapidly.

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Pierre Cardin considered this accessory from the point of view of fashion - he created all kinds of frames and lenses. Glasses from the fashion house Pierre Cardin sometimes looked too extravagant due to unusual and sometimes completely uncomfortable frames, but this did not stop fashion-conscious people - they were ready to wear even uncomfortable sunglasses. Pierre was the first to implement the idea of improvising jewelry creation, because as the master himself said, his accessories are ahead of their time.

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"Perfume is a memory that does not fail."

The fashion house Pierre Cardin released the first women's perfume in 1976, and the fragrance received a rather laconic name - Cardin, which connoisseurs of high perfumery liked. Unconditionally, the aromas from Pierre Cardin did not leave indifferent the beautiful half of society. In 1990, the brand launched a new perfume - a floral-chypre fragrance Rose Cardin, and later a men's perfume - Enigme. Among the ladies' audience, the perfume caused completely contradictory feelings - the aroma turned out to be not easy.

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To become a couturier, they have to be born.

As a teenager, Pierre Cardin met a fortuneteller who could not pass the boy - she predicted a great future for him. Of course, the fortuneteller's words were not taken seriously, but Pierre asked if there was a person who could help him with work in a fashion house where he dreamed of getting. The woman spoke the name. Pierre Cardin went to Paris, hoping to get information about this man and find him. Stopping a passerby with a request to help find the right place - the stranger turned out to be exactly who Pierre was looking for.

Pierre was born a great couturier, he changed the fashion industry forever, and it looks like it was destiny.

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