Mariia Grazhina Chaplin: How Influencers Can Change The World For The Better
Please tell us about the World Influencers and Blogger Association and its mission?
WIBA represents a community of bloggers and influencers that reach out to 100 million followers on social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Youtube). We are a multi-facet and fast-growing organization that integrates the Association, WIB Academy, WIBA Promo Lab, WB Agency, Digital Contest, and our flagship event - World Influencers and Bloggers Award. We are a people’s voice and an efficient way to reach across generations, across all genders, races, and nationalities, and across all continents, speaking different languages and representing diverse backgrounds and professions.
We align, motivate, and educate bloggers. We spread critical messages aimed at the better future of our planet and humanity. We hold events and campaigns to celebrate and promote the influencers' unique power and build and operate the first world-class platform for the more articulate people’s voice and the globe’s new age media - the influencers. As part of our mission, WIBA harnesses its unbiased power for a better future of the world.
So, WIBA represents tremendous potential – to reach out to and help raise the awareness of 100 million or more people worldwide. It is this potential that we want to turn into a wide-reaching power to act, to change the world for the better, to help bring about universal peace, justice, and equal opportunities for all. The influencers share a part of themselves, their lives, communicating, making an impact, and connecting with their audience to help others and inspire them to action.
What are the areas of the WIBA activity?
They are human rights, children's safety, anti-bullying, equal opportunity, non-discrimination, digital tolerance and cyber-anti-bullying, gender issues and women’s empowerment, clean planet and climate action, and preservation of the world’s cultural heritage, healthy lifestyle and spacial justice.
And referred to above, what are your objectives?
We unite bloggers to grow and harness their potential to make the unbiased voice of the people heard; to transmit and promote critical issues from our agenda for the sake of our planet and humanity. And also to partner with the world’s international organizations and causes to grow synergy that will make a change. WIBA calls on bloggers to demonstrate their social responsibility and join our social media campaign.
What were international social media campaigns already held by WIBA?
WIBA partnered with World Cleanup Day 2019 - September 21, 2019, and 2020. And World Social Justice Day on February 20, 2020, Protect your health and the others - March 3, 2020, World Autism Awareness Day - April 2, 2020, Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary - April 22-24, 2020, Happy Children Day - June 1, 2020. These challenges took place in over 160 countries and were supported by 200 bloggers and influencers in Europe, India, Brazil, etc. with 200 million followers in total.
Tell about the World Bloggers Awards ceremony?
The WBA is the first global annual award for the best opinion leaders and bloggers from all over the world.
It took place for the first time in May 2019 during the Cannes Film Festival. Forty-two finalists were awarded, and nominees came from the UK, the USA, Brazil, France, Italy, India, China, UAE, Lebanon, Ukraine, and other countries. Among our guests and winner were celebrities, TV stars, designers, athletes, UHNWIs’: Gianluca Vacchi, Nusret Gokche, Foodgod, etc. More than 117 million people online on social networks were followed by the ceremony and was highlighted by the major world media. World Influencers and Bloggers Award 2020 scheduled for October 2020 in London, UK, has been postponed until 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.