5 Ways To Add Fashion Elements To Your Decor
1. Treat special clothing like works of art
If you have certain clothes that are iconic for you or have sentimental value, hang them on your wall. Find ways to contrast or overlay the wallpaper, the combinations are endless!
2. Use a clothes rack
If you don't have enough space for your clothes, a clothes rack could be a functional and stylish solution. You can create a color scheme and use bright or dull hues to coordinate with other elements in the room.
3. Frame your scarves
You can never go wrong framing a scarf. This innovative approach elevates a simple scarf and acts like a work of art that can go into any room.
4. Line up your shoes and combine them with appropriate objects
Ken Fulk's Vintage Shoe Dresser is a perfect example of another way to store your shoes that remains stylish. You can also line your shoes up next to each other and pair them with objects that you think are appropriate. Cowboy boots on a vintage trunk, for example, can work well.
5. Use a mannequin
In the same vein as displaying an item of clothing on your wall is this idea of putting it on a mannequin. It's perfect for showcasing a favorite piece of clothing and acting almost like a sculpture.