The Benefits Of A Social Media Cleanse
In today’s society, being on social media is inevitable. In fact, if you don’t have an Instagram account or you’re not scrolling through Facebook or Twitter, you live under a rock. Social media in our days not only do they significantly impact our lives but through them, you can also achieve almost everything, from communicating with your friends to learning how to cook and do online shopping. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that spending this much time on your phone is beneficial to you. The effects that social media can have on your mental and even physical health are plenty, and you will obviously want to prevent them. Here you can find an easy way of doing so, as well as some of the benefits that a social media detox has to offer you.
So what exactly is a social media cleanse? It involves distancing yourself from any social media platform and taking time off your phone. Whether it’s a day, a week, or a month, a social media detox is highly recommended by psychologists, as it is scientifically proven to enhance mental performance and make you feel happier. And that’s exactly what we advise you to do. You probably already realize that social media consumption isn’t exactly the ideal environment for your mental state and mind. Sure, it’s a great place to socialize and keep connected, but it can also create a false perception of reality. After all, you’re only seeing the highlights of other people’s lives. You may think that “social media addiction” does not apply to you, but just think about the times you check your phone per day. Exactly, very discouraging!
Your self-confidence will improve. Unfortunately, the comparison is unavoidable when you continually see a “perfect” body, or a “beautiful” face, or a “successful” life, and start thinking that you’re always the one to be lacking. We are here to remind you that social media is not reality and that you should begin valuing yourself for who you are and stop trying to be something you saw on the internet. Having a digital detox will decenter your focus from comparison and give you time to get involved with things that make you happy.
You will appreciate the special moments. As humans, we tend to always think about the future and never give the present the attention it deserves. There are so many amazing things that can happen to you every day, yet people keep asking for more. Maybe that’s because we are too busy obsessing over other people’s lives instead of cherishing our special moments. Next time something extraordinary happens to you, don’t grab your phone to post it, just be present and enjoy.
Your anxiety will reduce. Social media is a way for people to prove how successful, pretty, likable, or confident they are, and sometimes that creates competition in terms of how many likes, views, or comments they get. This situation can lead to a constant posting, checking, and a crazy amount of worrying. Taking a step back from that routine can give you the time to relax and break this toxic cycle.
You will reconnect with people. As ironic as it may sound, taking a break from social media will make you more social and interactive. Face - to - face communication is essential for relationships to grow and last. Although you may feel that social media helps you connect with people and build friendships, you should never forget that the structure of a healthy relationship of any kind is quality time.
And last but not least, you will gain more free time. How many times have you wished you had a little extra time for yourself? Well, the time you spend on your phone shouldn’t count, as it does nothing beneficial to you. On average, a person will spend nearly 2 hours on social media every day, time which should be spent doing much more productive and useful activities. Just think about devoting those 2 hours to something creative. It will fill you up and make you feel ten times better!
The social media dependency applies to almost everyone. That does not mean you can’t change your habits! The thought of taking a temporary break may scare you, though you should give it a try if you wish for your wellbeing. After all, your happiness is yours to conquer.