
Sabrina Forster - Beauty Inspiration

Sabrina Forster, known as @yslabrina, is a fashion and beauty blogger, an advanced category winner of the World Influencers and Bloggers Awards 2020.
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Do you remember the day when you decide to start your social media account? Was it aimed for your private usage, or you planned to blog?

Yes, I remember so well. I was sitting with friends, and all of them said to me, start blogging and creating make-up tutorials: "You are perfect for this". And so I started to blog.

How do you manage to be sincere with your audience, and are there spheres of life that you prefer not to show?

Yes, of course, family things or private things I will keep confidential. Every person has a private life, and they should keep it private. And I will never show me naked, or something like that.

How much time takes up your Influencer activity? And how long it takes to create content?

It takes 6-7 hours per day. And it's up to the content, but between 3-4 hours.

Do you feel your Internet popularity in real life? Do people recognize you on the streets?

Yes, especially in Munich. And the girls are so cute.

What kind of offers do you usually reject?

Everything I don't like, want, and convinced. You have to be yourself and don't act like another person because of money. Do what you love, and love will come back!

Could you please comment on the following statement: the bloggers' credibility has dramatically dropped in recent times since 80% of them have fake followers, and all quality-defining programs are very easily cheatable. And it is the reason why a lot of big brands are back to old advertising methods, which reach is countable.

Yes, I understand them because they want to see successes and real success, not fake. They wish to pay for genuine and hard work. But sometimes it could also be necessary.


What is the most influential social network, in your opinion?

I think Instagram because there are so many different people, creating different content, living in different places, and having different personalities.

What do you consider the blogger's peak of success?

To inspire as many people as possible, and include them to be part and important in my life.

How to learn to be open with an audience? How to deal with hate, and is it worth it?

You should include every person and give them the feeling that they are all important in life and a good feeling because there are different personalities, so you have to speak and act in every situation. There is no hate in my life and also not in Instagram. You have to handle hate and don't react. Love is love! Love and life you are living.

What inspires you to post ideas?

My own mind and some other bloggers.

Do you think bloggers the trendsetters of nowadays? Can they be considered A-list celebrities?

Yes, why not? Of course, it could be in every area because many bloggers are models, singers, dancers, etc. They all also inspire the world.

Do you style your blogger looks by yourself, or do you have a professional stylist?

No, I am doing everything by myself.

Who are you following? Whom do you consider as fascinating bloggers now?

I follow primarily bloggers for fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, also, some models. There are many fascinating bloggers. Every blogger is fascinating in their own way, but I love Emily Shak.

Which famous blogger would you like to collaborate with?

Emily Shak, Hanadi Diab, the Kardashians, and Heidi Klum.




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