
Beautiful and Bright Patricia Gloria Contreras

Patricia Gloria Contreras is a Mexican-Italian actress, TV host, model, and creative designer, owner of the beauty brand 'Flawless Beauty,' a humanitarian activist, fashion and beauty Influencer.
person human face worker hair

Do you remember the day when you decide to start your social media account? Was it aimed for your private usage, or you planned to blog?

I started my social media because it was the trend and also because since I remembered I always wanted to share, before Instagram. A long time ago, I already had my myspace after I had a messenger. I had always wanted to share my life. What I do with other people, nowadays the world cut all boundaries, so we are all forced somehow to have social media before was an option.

How do you manage to be sincere with your audience, and are there spheres of life that you prefer not to show?

I am always as much sincere as I can. Even when some of the people I work with had advised me always to show up perfect, I think that will be a lie because nobody is perfect. There is a difference between being selective with the areas or themes you want to share and creating a lie. I prefer to show my life even if the progress is step by step. Sometimes I avoid speaking about my problems or moments of sadness because I want to cherish them above all. Still, when I have something that makes me sad, I always share with my community what makes others get to identify, but somehow I prefer to focus only on the positive and share the best I can.

How much time takes up your Influencer activity? And how long it takes to create content?

I think that my Instagram is pretty much about my life. I would say that my influencer life is a part of it. In this case, for me, it is a 24-hour activity as I will share my routines, my son, my day by day, my friends, my vacations. I am more focused on just sharing what I like than trying to influence people, as I think that will come as a result of people like you. Some days, especially when it is cold, I am lazy to share, but I keep going no matter what.

World Bloggers Awards 2019, Cannes. Photo: GettyImages

Do you feel your Internet popularity in real life? Do people recognize you on the streets?

It had happened. It is funny that people tell you: are you Patricia from Instagram? This happened during last winter vacation. I was looking so bad and not at all like my Instagram pictures, and I was embarrassed.

What was the most unusual offer for you made by advertisers?

I had nothing very unusual to say, but many people send me messages telling me they want to buy my heels, socks, and underwear. It is such a fetish.

What kind of offers do you usually reject?

I had rejected my fans and any kind of platform like that.

Could you please comment on the following statement: the bloggers' credibility has dramatically dropped in recent times since 80% of them have fake followers, and all quality-defining programs are very easily cheatable. And it is the reason why a lot of big brands are back to old advertising methods, which reach is countable.

I think the peak of bloggers' popularity, in general, has decreased because they became so many in the market that it went out of control. There is too much offer. I think the market is continuously changing for bloggers; for clients, nothing is defined anymore; even the way interests move in social media can vary from one day to the other. For me, social media is like the stock market in finance, so there is nothing sure. My only advice is to focus on one thing to be recognizable; it is the only way to assure your branding with clients.


Photo: Patricia Gloria Contreras

What is the most influential social network, in your opinion?

Today the numbers prove that TikTok is the most popular and the one that was more engaged in general. I can understand as it is more interactive than Instagram and way more creative, though I prefer Instagram to Tiktok because the format is clean and you can understand it very fast,

What do you consider the blogger's peak of success?

This is a difficult question. For me, the number one blogger is Chiara Ferragni. She was brilliant in reinventing herself over and over the past years. I think her career is a success over success. Ones are better than others, but you have to adapt to change if you want to stay alive. I think the peak of success will be their biggest collab and the impact on that collaboration with the public is all about facing reality the real success.

Photo: Patricia Gloria Contreras

How to learn to be open with a billion audience? How to deal with hate, and is it worth it?

No matter how strong you are, a lot of negativity can always affect you. You have to be positive, even with negative people that will show hate. I think real love is the only way to gain over hate. I don't think it is healthy to do social media because you want to gain love. In my case, I want to spread positive and good vibes. So I had not really faced hate. In the very beginning, I had some hate when I was working in television in Italy. I understood that so many people had no access to a beautiful life, so it is just the way you share. If you share in a friendly way to inspire and make others a part of it, you will have a positive return; instead, if you do show off, trust me, people will hate you. I have seen that with so many people, these girls got hate because they wanted to show off and not to share. My advice is: people just stick to your good values, even the best experiences are only worth it if you have good people around you, and worth, when I receive messages of people telling me that I inspired them, is already worth for me, one life to change was worth.

What programs do you use while working on your blog? Can you recommend some tips for bloggers who are beginners?

In the beginning, to reach a good design for my blog, I passed by people who were not capable, so my advice is to always go with the best. I know it is more expensive, but the end will be worth it because you will invest that time to work better and evolve faster. When it comes to inspiration, I am very moody. So many things have inspired me, people, places, I have been doing this since 2017, but Chiara Ferragni is the only one that inspired me so far all the time. I got inspired by other girls, but after a while, I got bored of them, so I look for new inspiration. I look for inspiration in myself, in what I love to share, and after I let that kill me, literally until I find something new.


Photo: Patricia Gloria Contreras

What inspires you to post ideas?

Today my feed is about fashion, beauty, my personal life, and lifestyle. I keep the same feed because it is what I like the most. I try to make my feed funnier, interactive. I continuously watch other accounts. I love Danielle Marcan, Alyson from Paris, Hailey Bibier, Kara Jewell. Right now, I want to change my feed and make it more Parisian and romantic. That's why I am switching to neutrals, flowers, etc. It is all about making a good feed. Clients love to work and prefer quality over quantity.

Do you think bloggers the trendsetters of nowadays? Can they be considered A-list celebrities?

Definitely, yes! If you only see what they have reached. We are hard workers; I would not say that all of them are as talented as could be an actress, a sportive, singer or other, but in terms of audience, maybe they can reach more engagement because they are close to their community.

Do you style your blogger looks by yourself, or do you have a professional stylist?

I have done both. I have styled myself alone. And I have worked with professional stylists, like Florencia Rodi, Kristina Askerova, and other friends who helped me. It is good to ask for advice and always be open to new ideas.

Who are you following? Whom do you consider as fascinating bloggers now?

I follow Chiara Ferragni, Camila Cohelo. For beauty bloggers, I suggest Danielle Marcan. You can follow my list; it is very good. I invite you to follow me on @PatriciaGloriaContreras and discover my world.

Which famous blogger would you like to collaborate with?

Of course Chiara Ferragni and Camila Cohelo. They have been my biggest crushes since I started this, they are my references, and I love all they do.


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